Saturday | March 15, 2025

Category: Video

4K Ultra HD, Featured Post, Gear&Gadgets, News, Projectors, Reviews

BenQ CinePro HT9060 4K LED Projector Review At

Check out my extensive image-quality test results and full-feature review of the BenQ CinePro HT9060 4K LED Projector at,

4K Ultra HD, Featured Post, Insights, Nature Photography, News, Travel Photography


Visit the new website and enjoy a wide-ranging selection of my photo and video portfolios from projects I’ve tackled,

4K Ultra HD, Displays, Featured Post, Projectors, Storage, Video

“The Deep Dive on Bit Depth” at

Check out my in-depth article on the differences between 8 and 10-bit displays and projectors. Especially useful to photographers and

Displays, Featured Post, Projectors, Video

Chroma Subsampling Explained at

What is Chroma Subsampling, and why is it so important to videographers and even photographers planning to make and post

4K Ultra HD, Displays, Featured Post, Insights, News, Projectors

Announcing “The Projectionist” Blog at

News Flash! (And featured-photo flashback to how I worked my way through Rochester Institute of Technology). I’ll be contributing technical

4K Ultra HD, Cameras, DSLRs, ILC Cameras, Video

Panasonic’s Lumix DMC-GH4: Why Pros Will Love It!

I’ve been waiting longer than most for the arrival of Panasonic’s new Lumix DMC-GH4 interchangeable-lens camera ($1999, MSRP body only).

4K Ultra HD, Projectors, Video

CES 2013 Show Report Coverage

From dancing robots to wall-sized TV displays, the International CES 2013 show had it all. But what were the most

Cameras, DSLRs, Video

Nikon D600 First Look: Is this DSLR a D800 Killer?

The Nikon D600 is a well-built, full frame camera that’s nearly as comfortable shooting Full HD 1080p video as it is capturing fast, sharp, high-speed action photos.

Nature Photography, Video

Hurricane Irene Storm Damage Captured By Sony SLT-a77

HD video of Tropical Storm Irene storm damage and flash floods in Hopewell Junction, NY on Aug. 28, 2011. All stills and video taken with Sony SLT-a77 camera.

Travel Photography, Video

NYC At Night With Sony SLT-a77

HD video demonstrating the low light still-photo and HD video capabilities of the new Sony SLT-a77. Taken with a pre-production camera.